No One Is Disposable

Amanda Lucas

Case Manager & Board Secretary


Amanda has been working with the WAGEES (Work and Gain Education and Employment Services) grant for 3 years. She works as a Re-Entry Case Manager and her duties include working with Parole, ICCS, shelters, and other community organizations to find the individuals who need services and resources for stability. The clients that she works with are individuals who have been to prison and are on parole supervision at a medium or high risk of recidivism.

Amanda currently has a CAC I (Certified Addiction Counselor) and is studying to gain her CAC II. She loves what she does and has so much passion for this work because she has struggled with addiction in the past and was involved in the legal system. She was able to overcome her addiction and get back on her feet because she had support and structure. She re-introduced God into her life and received the love and support that gave her the courage and opportunity to turn her life around. Amanda truly believes that if an individual has the support, tools, and stability, recovering and returning to society is possible, all while keeping the community safe.

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