
Steps To Take For Keeping Your Freedom

Recidivism programs are committed to providing help for prisoners after release in various forms of community reentry services. Compassion and forgiveness are at the heart of most recidivism programs, including faith-based organizations who offer the support these individuals need after being released from incarceration.

Whether that need is transitional housing for ex-prisoners, finding work for felons, or offering therapeutic guidance for ex-offenders, community reentry programs are doing their part to help lower the recidivism rate both in their states and nationwide. Recidivism programs believe mistakes people make should not condemn them from society.

It takes time and encouragement to have the chance to rebuild and restore their lives once they’ve completed their time in incarceration. Providing this in a compassionate and supportive manner is what community reentry programs are all about.

Find Recidivism Programs With Reentry Resources

The first thing someone must do to get help from recidivism programs is to find reentry resources in their local community. There are a few different options for this that include federal programs, faith-based organizations, and everything in between.

Reentry resources include specialized focus areas meant to address the immediate needs of those looking to reintegrate into the community. Reentry resources include a few different options that cover everything from housing, employment, and more.

Examples of Reentry Resources

  • Find transitional housing in your local area
  • Find gainful employment in your local area
  • Find support groups in your local area
  • Provide reporting to probation or parole officers
  • Assist with obtaining a GED or secondary education opportunities
  • Offer therapy options or peer mentorship
  • Develop A Support System

It’s important to find a support system that can both listen to your needs and make a positive impact on your life. This support system should not be made up of the people who are incapable of holding you accountable or people that support unhealthy behaviors.

Recidivism programs are a great way to learn how to surround yourself with healthy individuals who share a common goal – successful reintegration into the community. Whether that is from other members of the program or through an understanding and supportive staff, you should feel comfortable enough to be honest with them about what you are going through and asking them for help.

Make A Short & Long-Term Plan

Making a plan to follow will greatly help outline your goals, especially in times of trouble. It’s recommended to develop a daily schedule and follow it until you feel comfortable enough to add more.

It’s also wise to take the time and really think about what your long-term goals are. Where do you want to be in 5, 10, 20 years? What sort of job are you looking for? What are the top three things you want to achieve?

In times of trouble, look back on this and ask yourself if the actions you are taking are helping to work towards those goals or not. The important thing to remember is rebuilding your life will take time and there are people who care about you enough to support you along the way.

If you’d like to speak with a recidivism program to get help starting the process, contact The Rock Found and let us know how we can help.