The Rock Found is an innovative faith-based option for our community serving at risk individuals in their journey to freedom and independence.
Hope in the works!

People Helped
687 WAGEES Participants Served!

386 WAGEES Participants were placed in employment!

Stayed Out of Prison
96% of WAGEES Participants stayed out of prison while in our program!
I’m Truly Proud Of Them.
Seldom in this world do you see a person, or group of people, that exhibit such true care, compassion and dedication to cause, as I’ve been privileged to witness at the Rock Foundation. I’ve personally witnessed [The Rock Found team] go above and beyond to help their members with just about anything that they need to help better their lives. I’m truly proud of them.
Greg Robbins - Board Member
A Worthy Cause!
The Rock Found helps Men & Women who choose to become good citizens with jobs, job opportunities, housing, and programs to succeed. It’s Jesus Christ love that creates the family atmosphere and hope I believe these men need. Holly and I volunteer here because we believe in these guys efforts and they are worthy of our encouragement and support. God bless The Rock Found team!
Roy Shuster - Volunteer
Awesome Work
These folks do awesome work in the community every single day!
Pamela Clifton - CCJRC